Free workshop on Introduction to

Entrepreneurship for teenagers


Saturday 2nd December, 2023.
7:30 pm – 9:00 pm UAE Time
3:30 pm – 5:00 pm UK Time
9:00 pm – 10:30 pm India Time

Why Learn Entrepreneurship?

Develops Critical Thinking

Entrepreneurship education encourages students to think critically and solve problems creatively. These skills are essential not just for business, but for any field they might choose to pursue in the future.

Real-World Application

Entrepreneurship helps bridge the gap between academic theories and real-world application. Academic subjects become more relevant when students see how they directly apply to business concepts .

Builds Resilience and Adaptability

The entrepreneurial journey is full of challenges and setbacks. By studying entrepreneurship, students learn how to handle failure, adapt to changing circumstances, and persevere in the face of difficulties.

Cultivates Leadership Skills

Entrepreneurship education often involves collaborative projects, presentations, and networking opportunities. These experiences help students develop strong leadership and communication skills.

What will be covered?

Waleed Ansari

Serial Entrepreneur

I'm the founder of Fablearner and a dedicated entrepreneur with a strong passion for teaching and business innovation. Over the past 12 years, I have successfully established multiple businesses, each reflecting my commitment to excellence and growth.

My journey in entrepreneurship is backed by a solid foundation in finance. Before stepping into the entrepreneurial world, I honed my skills as a Senior Financial Analyst at Kuwait Finance House, recognized as the second largest Islamic bank globally. This experience equipped me with deep insights into financial strategies and market dynamics, which I now apply to my ventures.

At Fablearner, my mission is to blend educational innovation with entrepreneurial spirit, aiming to create learning experiences that are both engaging and impactful. My belief in the power of education drives me to continuously explore and implement new ways to enrich learning for all.

Join me in this exciting journey as we explore the realms of knowledge and entrepreneurship together!

Enrol for the free workshop

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!